Windmill Garage Horndean

How Climate Change is Impacting Car Maintenance Needs

How Climate Change is Impacting Car Maintenance Needs

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it’s a present reality affecting various aspects of our daily lives, including how we maintain our vehicles. As temperatures rise, weather patterns shift, and air quality fluctuates, car owners need to adapt their maintenance routines to ensure their vehicles remain safe and efficient. This article explores the specific ways climate change impacts car maintenance and offers practical advice to help you keep your vehicle in top condition.

The Broad Impact of Climate Change

Climate change refers to significant, long-term changes in the global climate. It’s driven primarily by human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes, which increase greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. These changes have far-reaching effects on weather patterns, temperature extremes, and air quality, all of which can affect vehicle performance and maintenance needs.

Temperature Extremes

One of the most noticeable effects of climate change is the increase in temperature extremes. Hotter summers and colder winters pose unique challenges for vehicle maintenance.

Hotter Summers:

  • Engine Performance: High temperatures can cause engines to overheat more quickly, putting additional strain on cooling systems. It’s crucial to regularly check your coolant levels and ensure your radiator is functioning properly.
  • Battery Life: Car batteries are particularly vulnerable to heat. Excessive heat can cause battery fluid to evaporate, leading to decreased battery life and potential failure. Regular battery checks and maintenance can help avoid unexpected breakdowns.
  • Tyre Pressure: Heat can cause the air inside tyres to expand, potentially leading to over-inflation. Over-inflated tyres wear out more quickly and can lead to blowouts. Check tyre pressure regularly and adjust as needed.

Colder Winters:

  • Engine Performance: Cold weather thickens engine oil, making it harder for the engine to turn over. Using the correct grade of oil for winter conditions can help mitigate this issue.
  • Battery Life: Just as extreme heat affects batteries, so does extreme cold. Low temperatures reduce a battery’s ability to hold a charge. Ensuring your battery is fully charged and in good condition is essential before winter sets in.
  • Tyre Pressure: Cold temperatures cause tyre pressure to drop, which can lead to under-inflation. Under-inflated tyres wear unevenly and can affect handling. Regularly check and maintain proper tyre pressure during the winter months.

Increased Precipitation

Climate change is also leading to increased precipitation in many areas, which can have several impacts on vehicle maintenance.

Rust and Corrosion:

  • Body and Frame: More frequent rain and humidity increase the risk of rust and corrosion on your vehicle’s body and frame. Applying rust-proof coatings and regularly washing your car, especially the undercarriage, can help protect against corrosion.
  • Brakes: Moisture can cause brake components to rust, reducing their effectiveness. Regular brake inspections and maintenance are crucial to ensure your brakes function properly.


  • Wipers and Lights: Increased rainfall means you’ll rely more heavily on your wipers and lights. Ensure your wiper blades are in good condition and replace them if they’re worn. Check that all your lights are working correctly and replace any bulbs as needed.

Air Quality

Air quality is another aspect of climate change that impacts vehicle maintenance. Increased levels of pollution can have several adverse effects on your car.

Air Filters:

Severe Weather Events

Climate change is also leading to more frequent and intense severe weather events, such as storms and flooding, which can cause significant damage to vehicles.


  • Debris: Storms can leave debris on roads, posing a hazard to your vehicle. Regularly inspect your tyres, suspension, and undercarriage for damage after a storm.
  • Water Damage: Heavy rain and flooding can lead to water damage. Ensure your car’s seals and weatherstripping are in good condition to prevent water from entering the vehicle. If your car has been exposed to floodwaters, have it inspected by a professional as soon as possible.


Practical Maintenance Tips

Adapting your car maintenance routine to account for climate change is essential to ensure your vehicle remains reliable and safe. Here are some practical tips to help you stay ahead of the game.

Seasonal Maintenance Routines:

  • Summer:
    • Check coolant levels and ensure the cooling system is functioning properly.
    • Inspect and maintain battery health.
    • Monitor tyre pressure regularly.
  • Winter:
    • Use the correct grade of engine oil.
    • Keep the battery fully charged and in good condition.
    • Check and adjust tyre pressure as needed.

Protective Measures:

  • Rust-Proof Coatings: Apply rust-proof coatings to vulnerable parts of your vehicle to protect against corrosion.
  • Regular Checks: Conduct regular inspections of your car’s body, frame, and brake components to catch any signs of rust early.
  • Fluids: Use the right fluids for your vehicle’s needs, such as antifreeze in winter and appropriate oil grades for different temperatures.

Emergency Preparedness:

  • Storm Preparedness: Keep an emergency kit in your car, including items like a flashlight, spare tyre, and basic tools. After a storm, inspect your vehicle for damage and address any issues promptly.
  • Flood Preparedness: Avoid driving through floodwaters. If your car has been exposed to flooding, have it inspected by a professional to assess and repair any water damage.

Windmill Garage’s Expertise and Services

At Windmill Garage, we understand the unique challenges that climate change poses for vehicle maintenance. Our skilled technicians are equipped with the latest technology and knowledge to help you navigate these challenges and keep your car in peak condition.

Advanced Diagnostics:

  • We use state-of-the-art diagnostic tools to identify and address issues related to extreme temperatures, increased precipitation, and other climate-related factors.

Comprehensive Maintenance Services:

  • Our range of services includes regular inspections, seasonal maintenance routines, and specialised care to protect your vehicle from the effects of climate change.

Ensure Your Vehicle is Prepared for any Weather Conditions

Don’t let climate change catch you off guard. Ensure your vehicle is prepared for any weather conditions by booking a seasonal maintenance check or comprehensive vehicle inspection at Windmill Garage. As a special offer, we’re providing a 10% discount on all maintenance services for first-time customers. Visit us today to keep your car in top condition, no matter what the climate throws your way.

By adapting your car maintenance routine to account for the impacts of climate change, you can ensure your vehicle remains reliable, safe, and efficient. Windmill Garage is here to provide expert guidance and services to help you navigate these new challenges. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your vehicle maintenance needs in this changing climate.